Navigating Our Services: How It Works

Step 1-Initial Consultation & Evaluation

Meet Ying Xiang, Esq. – Experienced Immigration Attorney

Begin your green card journey with a personalized case evaluation. Book your consultation now for expert insights and tailored guidance.

What's Included:

  • Case assessment by Ying Xiang, Esq.

  • Convenient appointment scheduling

Step 2-Contract Signing and Checklist Review

Congratulations on taking the next step towards your green card journey! Here's what comes next:

  • Contract Signing: Review and sign the contract we'll provide. This outlines our services and fees.

  • Checklist Meeting: After contract signing and payment, we'll schedule a meeting with Ying Xiang, Esq. She'll guide you through the required document checklist and answer any questions you have.

Step 4-Package Preparation

Your Green Card Package in Progress

With your documents uploaded, we're assembling your green card package:

  • Document Compilation: Our team, led by Ying, is organizing your package.

  • Thorough Review: We'll ensure accuracy and completeness.

What's Next:

Expect a notification once your package is finalized for the next steps.

Step 3-Gather supporting documents

As you move forward on your green card journey, it's time to gather your supporting documents. We've made this step easy and efficient for you.

What to Do:

  • Upload Documents: Use our secure platform, Clio, to upload your required documents.

  • Quick Review: Our dedicated team will swiftly review your documents.

Step 5-Application Filing

We'll Handle the Application Details

Sit back as we expertly arrange and submit your application, meeting USCIS standards effortlessly.

Count on Us:

  • Effortless Process: We take care of the application filing for you.

  • Expert Precision: Your application will be in line with USCIS preferences.

Step 6-Interview Preparation & Ongoing Support

Continued Guidance for Your Success

Rest assured, our commitment doesn't end after application submission. We're dedicated to your success throughout the process:

What to Expect:

  • Interview Readiness: Ying will personally prepare you for your in-person interview with a USCIS officer.

  • USCIS Requests: If USCIS issues any Request for Evidence, we'll assist you in crafting effective responses.